How do I send email notifications when a student's status changes?

How to setup email notifications

You can set up SpEd Forms to send a notification email whenever a prior written notice is finalized. This will alert the email recipent that a status has changed because a prior written notice must be done for each status change, including new ERs and IEPs going into effect.

  1. Navigate to “Admin Educators”.
  2. Find the educator you wish to receive the emails and click “Modify”.
  3. Ensure the email address of the user is correct.
  4. Under “Admin Permissions”, check “Email MARSS changes”.
  5. Click “Save”.
  6. The user will receive an email every time a prior written notice is finalized for students within their permissions.

What forms send an email notification when finalized?

Administrators can have a preference selected in their user setup indicating that they will receive an email when certain forms are finalized. It's called “Email MARSS changes”. At this time, the following forms will send an email on being finalized.

  • Prior Written Notice
  • Eval/Reeval Prior Written Notice (Parts B and C)
  • IEP
  • 504 Forms (By additional administrative preference from the Admin Organization → Preferences page)

Administrators may also monitor finalization of forms using the “View student history” report. For example, administrators can search for all service plans finalized in a date range by selecting “Service plans (ie: IFSP/IEP/IIIP/ISP)” next to “History Type:”.

features_send_email_student_status.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/03 11:36 by
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