How do I work with goal pages?

The IEP, IFSP, and IIIP all have goal and objective pages. You can create your own goals, choose goals from the SpEd Forms goal bank, or choose goals from your personal goal bank. All of the goal pages work in a similar way, so this example can be used to fill out any of the goal and objective pages.

If you click the “Delete Goal” button, the entire goal, including the Present Level of Performance and all the objectives, will be deleted. If you just want to delete the goal text, highlight all the goal text and press “Delete”.

This example uses an Expanded IEP goal. To get to this page:

  1. Navigate to the “Main Menu”.
  2. Click on the “Students” button.
  3. Click on the relevant student's name.
  4. Click on “IEP” (Service Plan) from the “Forms Menu”.
  5. Click on the goals section.
  6. You are now at the goal page for goal #1, as indicated by the top right of the form (“Goal [1] of 3”).
  7. You can now fill out the goal.
  8. HINT: As the number of goals increase, the heading will change to reflect the total number of goals. The number of goals is also indicated at the top right of the page. The number in the “Go to Goal” box will increase as the number of goals increases.
  • Clicking on the goal number will take you to that particular goal.
  • You can renumber the goal sections by going to a goal section, clicking in the goal number box, changing the number, and clicking “Save”.

If you click the “Delete Goal” button, the entire goal, including the Present Level of Performance and all the objectives, will be deleted. If you just want to delete the goal text, highlight all the goal text and press “Delete”.

work_with_goal_pages.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/03 11:36 by
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