Managing system wide drop down lists

Super Administrators only

Most drop down boxes in SpEd Forms can be edited. Click on any of the field names listed to see what is displayed in that particular drop down box.

  • Clicking on any of the titles listed on the page will give all users the ability to add to that drop down list. When users add to a drop down list, those options will only be available for that user.
  • You can use the “Show” column check boxes to show custom values, SpEd Forms values or a mix of both.

  1. Navigate to the main Administration Menu.
  2. Click the “Organization” button.
  3. Click the “Drop down lists” link.
  4. Click on any of the titles.
  5. If necessary, make changes to the order, value/display text or use the district/school ID to force that entry to only show up for a specific district/school.
  6. Remove options by putting a check in the “Remove” checkbox next to that particular option.
  7. Add options by scrolling to the bottom of the page, then fill out new entries in the spaces provided.
  8. Click on any of the “Save” buttons on the “Edit drop down list” page to save your changes.

Make sure the 'Value(Hidden)' and the 'Display' text are the same.

admin_manage_drop_down.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/03 11:36 by
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