Can I change a Student ID on my own, or should I call my SpEd Forms administrator?

If you are the Case Manager for this student or have been given Edit Access you can change the student number. If you navigate to the “Work with students” list you can edit their number if the button states “Work on this Record” but not if it states “View this Record”. To change the number:

  1. From the “Students” list click on “Work on this Record” for the intended student.
  2. On the “Forms Menu” click on the “Student Setup” button.
  3. Next to the Student/MARSS ID click the “Edit” link.
  4. Change the number, as needed, and click “Save”.

If you would prefer, you can contact your SpEd Forms administrator and they can do it for you as well.

faq_forms_change_student_id.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/03 11:36 by
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