A student does not show up in my list. I'm sure they are assigned to me. Where are they?

The student's evaluation status is probably not a current special education evaluation status. To show the student:

  1. Click on the “Students” button. A list of active students will appear.
  2. Put a check in the “Inactive” checkbox and look for the student to have a grey face in the Status column.
  3. You can also click on the “GenEd Forms” tab to see all students in the “General Education” category.

If the student does not show up automatically in the teacher list, the student does not have a current MARSS Evaluation Status. The teacher should correct this issue by changing the evaluation status for the student to a current evaluation status. SpEd Forms now keeps a history of all evaluation status changes for future reference.

faq_forms_student_not_showing_up.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/03 11:36 by
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