Why am I seeing question marks or weird characters in my printed forms?

Your browser is probably set to encode (print and display) text in a non-default way, probably Unicode (UTF-8). This can happen when fonts are missing or incomplete (especially in Unicode), or if software is installed that changes the default encoding for your browser.

If your browser is:

Google Chrome, check this:

  1. Click the Chrome menu (3 parallel dashes)
  2. Expand “More Tools”.
  3. Expand “Encoding”.
  4. Expand “Default fonts and encodings”
  5. Make sure there is a check mark next to “Auto detect”.

Safari on Mac OS X, check this:

  1. Use the “View” pull down menu.
  2. Choose “Text Encoding”.
  3. Make sure it is set to “Default”.

If you do see question marks (or “funny” characters), you should be able to find them in the form, then delete and retype the character you want to see, then Save. The most common characters displaying this problem are quotation marks (single, double, left and right) and apostrophes.

faq_print_weird_characters.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/03 11:36 by
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