Warnings When Using Multiple Tabs

With the update for April of 2018 (4/7/2018), a new feature was added that warns users when using multiple tabs.

There were several reasons for this, but an explanation of how “Exclusive Rights” works will be needed, and how that changes with multiple tabs in use will be necessary.

  • A user gains exclusive rights when they visit a particular student page and no one else is working on it.
  • This right is only guaranteed for one page at a time, to prevent one user from locking all of the pages, or multiple pages, that they are not actively working with.
  • When using multiple tabs, the most recently active tab (Or browser window) is the only tab that has exclusive rights.
    • For example:
      • Mary Sue visits a PWN for Joe Smith. Mary Sue then opens another window and goes to a PWN for Mat Smith. Mary Sue has lost exclusive rights to Joe Smith's PWN, but now has exclusive rights for Mat Smith.
      • Jane Doe goes to Joe Smith's PWN. She now has exclusive rights to Joe Smith's PWN. She makes a change, saves it and leaves.
      • Mary Sue goes back to Joe Smith's PWN, makes a different change, saves it and leaves.
      • Jane Doe's change is now gone.
  • As you can see from the above example, this is something to be avoided.

We have added a system to keep track, in almost real time, who has exclusive rights to pages they have open. When they use a tab to browse to another page, within three minutes of navigating to that page, a warning will appear on the original tab, informing the user that they have lost exclusive rights.

multiple_tab_warnings.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/03 11:36 by
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